How the coffee is made process - Cafeteria Filmes Co. How the coffee is made process - Cafeteria Filmes Co.

How the coffee is made process - Cafeteria Filmes Co.


In this video, I’ll walk you through how our video production process works here at our company. To make it easier to understand, I like to compare our work to making a good cup of coffee — because, just like with coffee, every step needs to be done with great care to ensure that irresistible result!

It all starts with the briefing, which is like selecting the best coffee beans. We talk to the client, understand their ideas, values, and goals, and start shaping the project. Then, we move on to planning, which is when we "roast" those ideas and put everything on paper: script, schedule, references, and budget. This is when things start to take shape!

Now comes the most exciting and most responsible part at the same time: shooting! It’s like grinding the beans and putting everything into action. We turn on the cameras, microphones, and the entire team steps in to capture everything just as planned. Then, with all the raw footage in hand, it’s time to edit. It’s like brewing the coffee: we only keep what’s essential, make the right cuts, add the music and animations, and make sure the video comes out perfectly polished.

Finally, there’s the delivery, which is like serving that hot cup of coffee, ready to be enjoyed. The video is delivered to the client just as they requested, ready to be shared and reach their audience. And the best part? It’s made with a lot of care and dedication to tell the story in a unique and emotional way!

Remember: Drink coffee and stay cool. Always!
See you soon.

Renan Leal

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